Price: £14.99
Format: Book/Magazine
Artist: Stephen Palmer
CatNo: 9781789521610
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Stephen Palmer Tangerine Dream in the 1970s Book Edgar Froese
An account of influential Electronic pioneers Tangerine Dream in the 1970s that focusses on the music but also tells the group's compelling tale. 
The book includes new interviews with Steve Jolliffe and also with early member Steve Schroyder
Stephen Palmer is a genre fiction author of 25 years, whose reputation in the SF and Steampunk fields is well known. The author of numerous novels and short stories, he became a fan of Tangerine Dream at school, and was lucky enough to see the group live in London at the turn of the eighties. Having celebrated the 25th anniversary of his debut Memory Seed, he is currently working in the Steampunk field on a number of projects. He lives and works in Shropshire, UK. 