Price: £6.35
Format: Download mp3
Artist: Theo Travis
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Slow Life Theo Travis mp3 download
Occupying a territory between the Minimalist excursions of Steve Reich and the loop innovations of Fripp and Eno, 'Slow Life' is one of the most consistently challenging and ethereal albums of Theo Travis' multi-faceted career.
Exclusively using the rich possibilities of the alto flute, Travis launches into a series of cogent and controlled tonal improvs that firmly places him in the vanguard of the ever-growing looping community.
1. salad noir (6.02) 
2. chasing the slow train (3.32) 
3. love is not enough (6.02) 
4. sleep (4.44) 
5. stereo (2.19) 
6. cloudfire (8.02) 
7. mellotromatic (10.29) 
8. strange life, waking mind (4.29) 
9. who stopped you (10.10)

compositions and arrangements by Theo Travis.