Price: £15.99
Format: Book/Magazine
Artist: Scott Meze
CatNo: 9781789522716
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Scott_Meze Soft_Machine_On_Track Book Soft_Machine

Soft Machine On Track guides the reader through the maze of this revolutionary band's works, revealing why every album is worthy of re-evaluation, why they're so influential and why you should rush to devour as many of them as you can.

It covers the live and studio material released by the parent group, all related projects with a 'Soft' in their name and the essential extracurricular activities of members from 1960 to the present day.


Scott Meze is a psychedelic music obsessive born in Britain but based in Tokyo, the music connoisseur's capital of the world. Soft Machine have been one of the abiding loves of his life ever since a friend played him a tape of Triple Echo while careening his thoroughly chemicalised brain through the hills of South Somerset on the back of a Moto Guzzi 850 Le Mans. You don't ignore an education like that.