Price: £11.99
Format: CD
Artist: Laughing Stock
CatNo: ARP079CD
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Laughing_Stock Shelter CD Tim_Bowness Anders_Buass
Laughing Stock’s 2024 album Shelter is conceptual work revolving around humanity’s relationship with nature.
Containing blistering Rock moments, atmospheric textures and seductive melodies, the album chronicles a journey from darkness to light.
Featuring cover artwork by James Marsh (Talk Talk), Tim Bowness (no-man) contributes to the epic closer The Flood, and also appears on the CD exclusive single edit / remix Memories.
1. A New Home
2. Shelter 
3. Roots go deep 
4. In you
5. Waterfall
6. Sticks and stones 
7. Radio
8. The Flood feat. Tim Bowness
bonus track
9. Memories feat. Tim Bowness