Price: £150.00

Format: Book/Magazine
Artist: The Durutti Column
CatNo: ISBN9780993303647-S
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The_Durutti_Column A_Life_of_Reilly Book Signed Deluxe
Written - and meticulously researched - by Shadowplayers: The Rise and Fall of Factory Records author James Nice, this authorised biography of Vini Reilly and The Durutti Column offers a fascinating insight into the extraordinary triangular relationship between Reilly, Bruce Mitchell and band manager Tony Wilson, as well as the enduring cultural influence of The Durutti Column’s peerless Factory label catalogue.
A Life of Reilly includes candid input from Vini himself, as well as band and family members, and steadfast musical partner Mitchell.
‘I never imagined a book of my life. It’s amazingly detailed and factually correct. Good sense holds sway and the hard-won research gives real clarity. It’s quite wonderful for me and my family, and it means a great deal to end on positivity.’ - Vini Reilly
The third publishing venture for Burning Shed, A Life of Reilly is presented as a deluxe limited hardback edition with quarter bound cloth spine, housed in an outer slipcase of cloth with recessed sandpaper panel designed by Carl Glover.
**These 100 copies include a bookplate signed by Vini Reilly and Bruce Mitchell**
Also includes a free Bonus DVD from FBN65 'Martin Hannett & Steve Hopkins - The Invisible Girls’ which features ‘Celebration’, a studio improvisation with Vini Reilly from 1980
‘The Return of the Durutti Column is still to me one of the most beautiful and magical records ever made.’ - Steven Wilson
‘An extremely gifted and unique guitarist, with a wonderful way of fusing almost classical guitar technique with something more ambient and spacious.’ - Bill Nelson
In 1978 Tony Wilson founded Factory Records to release music by The Durutti Column, the unique music ensemble built around the singular talents of virtuoso guitarist Vini Reilly.
A Life of Reilly details Vini’s troubled Manchester upbringing, cult stardom in Japan, punk rock glory at the Roxy, radical auto-destructive sandpaper sleeves, diversions into neoclassical orchestration and glossy electronica, dazzling collaborations with Martin Hannett, Morrissey and Stephen Street, and hellacious Haçienda happenings.
272 pages. 218mm wide x 216mm deep.