Price: £15.99
Format: Book/Magazine
Artist: Gary Steel
CatNo: 9781789522846
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Gary_Steel Talk_Talk_On_Track Book Mark_Hollis
During the group’s ten-year lifespan, Talk Talk released just five studio albums, but in the process, redefined contemporary music and spawned a whole movement that came to be known as Post Rock. 
Leader Mark Hollis’s determination to carry out his musical vision would see the group mutate from a synth-pop/new romantic outfit, into the most determinedly unique and unclassifiable art-pop act of the late 20th century. 
On Track examines the whole of Talk Talk’s oeuvre song by song, telling their bizarre and somewhat unlikely story. While a book on this compelling band necessarily discusses the genius of singer/guitarist/writer Mark Hollis, it also casts light on the surprising après-Talk Talk careers of foundational members Lee Harris and Paul Webb, as well as that of producer/keyboardist Tim Friese-Greene
Gary Steel is a New Zealand-based journalist whose enjoyment of loud (and quiet) music hasn’t diminished despite the cicada-like tinnitus he suffers from after attending thousands of rock gigs in his 40-plus years of music journalism. He has also interviewed a who’s who of contemporary music and reviewed just about every record going for whoever would publish his pungent opinions. He has edited and published several music magazines, ran his own record store and now lives in an obscure location with his wife Yoko and two wee monsters. There he runs his website. His previous book was Gentle Giant on track for Sonicbond.