Price: £12.99 £9.99
Format: Book/Magazine
Artist: Peter Kearns
Availability: 25-10-2024
CatNo: 9781789523416
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Peter_Kearns Rock_Classics Kate_Bush The_Dreaming Book
Kate Bush’s bold The Dreaming is one of rock's purest examples of a musician following their uncompromised creative instincts, while operating at the top of their game.
An artistic triumph that transcends genre dissected by Peter Kearns as part of Sonicbond’s Rock Classics series. 
Peter Kearns is a New Zealand musician, independent recording artist and traditional producer. Since the 1980s he has performed live as keyboardist and/or recorded or co-written with a range of artists from in and outside of his home country. He is half of the duo Tabacco & Kearns, and also completely himself, mostly. As a writer he's contributed regularly to - New Zealand's technology and music website for grown-ups, and this is his fourth book for Sonic Bond. He first heard Kate Bush in 1978 when he was 11, biking home from school, hearing 'Wuthering Heights' blasting from someone's house, and he stood there in the rain, transfixed, wondering if it was possible to equal something so unique. Funnily enough, he still feels that that's what being a musician in a world with Kate Bush in it, is like.