Price: £16.99
Format: Book/Magazine
Artist: Carl Ewens
CatNo: 9781789523249
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Carl_Ewens David_Bowie 1964-82_On_Track Book
This edition of On Track provides a complete examination of all the songs from David Bowie’s golden years, extending from his days as a mod saxophonist through to his astonishing 1980 hit album, Scary Monsters (And Super Creeps).  
Bowie's songs run the gamut from extraordinary to esoteric but all were written from the heart.
Carl Ewens, born in Burnley, Lancashire, in 1960, has previously published an absurdist science fiction novel, two books of poetry and a similar book about the songwriting of Marc Bolan.  He also produces music under the pseudonym Psyfolk.  His interests range from reading novels to football, art, photography, film and history, as well as UAPs and spirituality. He also has a degree in Social Anthropology and Comparative Religion.  He is a lover of real ale but isn’t keen on the currently trendy obsession with hazy IPAs as he thinks they all taste of grapefruit.  He lives in West Sussex, UK.