Price: £14.99
Format: Book/Magazine
Artist: Andrew Darlington
CatNo: 9781789521597
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Andrew Darlington The Hollies On Track Book
Written in an engaging style, this book tells the full track by track story of The Hollies' from the band’s origins in Manchester, via the copious classic hits, and the, sometimes surprising, albums.
Andrew Darlington watched the very first episode of ‘Dr Who’, he also watched the most recent episode. Whatever academic potential he may once have possessed was wrecked by an addiction to loud rock ‘n’ roll and cheap science fiction, which remain the twin poles of what he laughingly refers to as his writing career. He is most proud of his parallel universe collection A Saucerful Of Secrets. His latest book is a biography of the Beatles spin-doctor Derek Taylor: For Your Radioactive Children (Sonicbond, 2020). His writing can be found at ‘Eight Miles Higher’: